Authors Information
Author:张虎山  Time:2021-09-03   Views:53

1All submissions (including papers, proposals of invited sessions) should be submitted online via

2The CCC presents the Guan Zhao-Zhi Best Paper Award and the SCIS-CCC Poster Paper Award. Detailed application information can be found at

3Invited session proposals should include papers including a package consisting of a proposal about 1000 words and a list of all the invited papers including the paper titles, abstracts, and the Authors Jnames & affiliations. Typically, an invited session consists of 6 papers. See conference website: for details.

Important Dates

Opening date for all submissions: October 1,2021

Deadline for all submissions: January 31,2022

Notification of acceptance: April 1,2022

Final submission: April 30, 2022