Conference Introduction
Author:张虎山  Time:2021-09-03   Views:205

The 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2022) will be held during July 25-27, 2022 in Heifei, Anhui, China. The CCC is an annual international conference sponsored by the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). It aims to bring together the international community of systems and control to discuss the latest findings and advances in control theories and technologies. The CCC 2022 will feature plenary lectures, panel discussions, development forums, preconference workshops, oral presentation sessions and interactive sessions. The papers of CCC in English will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore library.

Hefei, located in East China between the Yangtze River and Huai River and encircling the Chao Lake, is the capital city of Anhui province andsecond center of the Yangtze Delta metropolitan area. It is also a comprehensive national science center, and a modem manufacturing base andtransportation hub. Hefei has profound cultural heritage with many places of interest and cultural landscapes, such as Dragon Spring Temple.Mingjiao Temple, Lord Bao Memorial Temple, Xiaoyaojin Park, Zhouyu Tomb, and Three Kingdoms Relics Park. A strong academic atmosphereblended with a long-standing cultural vitality will undoubtedly make your participation worthwhile. Welcome to CCC 2022! Welcome to Hefei!